work addressing sexual harm

I’m dedicated to addressing sexual harm through restorative processes. I’ll be a lifelong learner in this work and commit to learning from and collaborating with others. I have experiences facilitating direct dialogues, “victim-offender dialogues”, survivor support groups, and accountability groups about sexual harm.


my why

These are my parents. I love them. They dedicated their lives to trying to make a good life for me and my siblings. They were loving, kind, and incredibly generous. They were both really funny in their own ways. And deeply spiritual.

They also both survived sexual harm in their childhoods. It impacted them their entire, resilient lives.


creating the world they deserved

My parents were way more than their experiences. And their experiences impacted them and me, as their child. (That’s me.)

They’re why I support folks in healing from and addressing sexual harm. I’m trying to create the world my parents didn’t get. A world where we end sexual harm and children get everything they need to feel joy and wonder.

I’m equally committed to supporting those who have harmed, experienced harm, or both.